Using iDDS API through PanDA

iDDS delegates user authentication and authorization to the PanDA server so that iDDS APIs are available through panda-client. The PanDA server forwards requests to iDDS after receiving them from users and propagates responses from iDDS back to the users. The following code snippets show how iDDS native codes migrate to panda-client based codes:

  • iDDS native

from idds.client.client import Client
from idds.client.clientmanager import ClientManager
import idds.common.constants
import idds.common.utils

data = {
    'requester': 'panda',
    'request_type': idds.common.constants.RequestType.HyperParameterOpt,
    'transform_tag': idds.common.constants.RequestType.HyperParameterOpt.value,
    'status': idds.common.constants.RequestStatus.New,
    'priority': 0,
    'lifetime': 30,
    'request_metadata': {},

# using Client API
cl = Client(idds.common.utils.get_rest_host())
    request_id = cl.add_request(**data)
except Except:
    # error

# using ClientManager
cm = ClientManager(idds.common.utils.get_rest_host())
    req = cm.get_requests(request_id=request_id)
except Exception:
    # error
  • panda-client based

import pandaclient.idds_api
import idds.common.constants
import idds.common.utils

data = {
    'requester': 'panda',
    'request_type': idds.common.constants.RequestType.HyperParameterOpt,
    'transform_tag': idds.common.constants.RequestType.HyperParameterOpt.value,
    'status': idds.common.constants.RequestStatus.New,
    'priority': 0,
    'lifetime': 30,
    'request_metadata': {},

# using Client API
cl = pandaclient.idds_api.get_api(idds.common.utils.json_dumps, compress=True)
ret = cl.add_request(**data)
if ret[0] == 0 and ret[1][0]:
    request_id = ret[1][-1]
    # error

# using ClientManager
cm = pandaclient.idds_api.get_api(dumper=idds.common.utils.json_dumps, loader=idds.common.utils.json_loads,
    compress=True, manager=True)
ret = cm.get_requests(request_id=request_id)
if ret[0] == 0 and ret[1][0]:
    req = ret[1][-1]
    # error

All client functions of idds.client.client.Client and idds.client.clientmanager.ClientManager are available in the API object, which is returned by pandaclient.idds_api.get_api(), with the same arguments. Check with iDDS documentation for the details of iDDS API. Here is the description of pandaclient.idds_api.get_api().

get_api(dumper=None, verbose=False, idds_host=None, compress=False, manager=False)
    Get an API object to access iDDS through PanDA

        dumper: function object to json-serialize data
        verbose: True to see verbose messages
        idds_host: iDDS host. e.g.
        compress: True to compress request body
        manager: True to use ClientManager API. False by default to use Client API
        an API object

The returns from any function of the API object are always as follows.

   status code
      0: communication succeeded to the panda server
    255: communication failure
   a tuple of (True, the original response from iDDS), or (False, diagnostic message) if failed