

pbook is the command-line tool for users to manage their analysis, e.g., to check task status, and finish/kill/retry tasks. pbook launches an interactive session on the terminal where the user enters bookkeeping commands such as show and kill. pbook can also be executed in batch mode to process a single command without human intervention.


pbook [options]
command(*args, **kwargs)


show(123, format='long', sync=True)

The interactive session can be terminated by entering Ctrl+D.

To see the list of commands and help of each command,


Misc commands

Show all commands

In interactive mode:
>>> help()

In batch mode:
$ pbook help

See help of each command

>>> help(<command_name>)
>>> help(show)

     Print task records. The first argument (non-keyword) can be an jediTaskID or reqID, or 'run' (show active tasks only), or 'fin' (show terminated tasks only), or can be omitted. The following keyword arguments are available in the way of panda monitor url query: [username, limit, taskname, days, jeditaskid].
     If sync=True, it forces panda monitor to get the latest records rather than get from cache.
     Specify display format with format='xxx', available formats are ['standard', 'long', 'json', 'plain'].
     The default filter conditions are: username=(name from user voms proxy), limit=1000, days=14, sync=False, format='standard'.

     >>> show()
     >>> show(123)
     >>> show(12345678, format='long')
     >>> show(taskname='my_task_name')
     >>> show('run')
     >>> show('fin', days=7, limit=100)
     >>> show(format='json', sync=True)

$ pbook help <command_name>
$ pbook help show

Task bookkeeping

Kill tasks

>>> kill(arg)

$ pbook kill arg

This command can take a jediTaskID, a list of jediTaskIDs, or ‘all’ as the input argument. If it is ‘all’, it kills all active tasks of the user.

Finish tasks

>>> finish(arg, soft=False)

$ pbook finish arg
$ pbook finish arg soft=True

This command enforces running tasks to finish immediately. The arg is a jediTaskID, a list of jediTaskIDs, or ‘all’. If soft is set to True, the system doesn’t generate new jobs but waits until all existing jobs are done.

Retry tasks

>>> retry(arg, newOpts=None)

$ pbook retry arg
$ pbook retry arg key1=value1 ... keyN=valueN

This command is used to retry only failed PanDA jobs in a finished task. The arg is a jediTaskID or a list of jediTaskIDs. It is possible to specify newOpts, which is None by default and can be a map of options and new arguments like {‘nFilesPerJob’: 10,’excludedSite’: ‘ABC,XYZ’} to overwrite task parameters. If values of some arguments are None, corresponding task parameters are removed. For example, {‘nFilesPerJob’: None,’excludedSite’: None} will remove –nFilesPerJob and –excludedSite so that jobs will be generated and assigned without those constraints. For batch mode, key1=value1 … keyN=valueN are internally converted to a dictionary {key1: value1, …, key2: valueN} that is given to newOpts.

Show all own tasks

>>> show()

$ pbook show

By default, it shows only tasks submitted within last 14 days and at most 1000 tasks. One can specify days and limit keyword arguments to show more (or less) tasks.

Show one or more tasks with JediTaskIDs

>>> show(arg)

$ pbook show arg

The arg can be a jediTaskID or a list of jediTaskIDs. Note that it is possible to use ReqID instead of jediTaskID, however, mixture of JediTaskID and ReqID doesn’t work.

Show in long detailed format

>>> showl()

$ pbook showl

which is a wrapper of show(format=’long’).

Show tasks matching certain filters

>>> show(username='Hage Chabin', limit=7, days=30)

$ pbook show username='Hage Chabin' limit=7 days=30

which shows at most 7 tasks submitted by Hage Chabin for last 30 days.

Show tasks in other format

>>> show(format='plain')

$ pbook show format='plain'

where available formats are ‘standard’, ‘long’, ‘json’, ‘plain’.

Workflow bookkeeping

All workflow bookkeeping commands take the request ID of the workflow as the argument.

Show status of a workflow

>>> show_workflow(request_id)

$ pbook show_workflow request_id

This command shows the workflow status of interest.

Finish a workflow

>>> finish_workflow(request_id)

$ pbook finish_workflow request_id

This command enforces to finish all active tasks in the workflow.

Kill a workflow

>>> kill_workflow(request_id)

$ pbook kill_workflow request_id

This command kills all active tasks in the workflow.

Retry a workflow

>>> retry_workflow(request_id)

$ pbook retry_workflow request_id

This command retries tasks unsuccessful in the previous attempt and activate subsequent tasks if necessary.

Pause a workflow

>>> pause_workflow(request_id)

$ pbook pause_workflow request_id

This command pauses all active tasks in the workflow.

Resume a workflow

>>> resume_workflow(request_id)

$ pbook resume_workflow request_id

This command resume paused tasks in the workflow.

Trouble shooting

pbook goes into the verbose mode to show shows what’s exactly going on when being launched with -v option.

prun -v ...

which would give clues if there are problems.