Running hyperparameter optimization
PanDA and iDDS integrate geographically distributed GPU/CPU resources, so that users can run special analysis to automatically optimize hyperparameters of machine learning models.
Each HPO workflow is typically composed of iterations of three steps:
- Sampling step
To choose hyperparameter points in a search space.
- Training step
To evaluate each hyperparameter point with an objective function and a training dataset.
- Optimization step
To redefine the search space based on loss values of evaluated hyperparameter points.
In the system, the sampling and optimization steps are executed on central resources while the training step is
executed on distributed resources. The former is called steering and the latter is called evaluation,
i.e., steering = sampling + optimization, and evaluation = training. Users can submit HPO tasks to PanDA using
, which is available in panda-client-1.4.24 or higher.
Once tasks are injected into the system, iDDS orchestrates JEDI, PanDA, Harvester, and the pilot to timely execute HPO steps on relevant resources, as shown in the figure above. Users can see what’s going on in the system using PanDA monitoring. The iDDS document explains how the system works, but end-users don’t have to know all the details. However, one important thing is that a single PanDA job evaluates one or more hyperparameter points and thus it is good to have a look at log files in PanDA monitoring if there is something wrong.
The main trick to run hyperparameter optimization (HPO) on distributed resources is the separation of steering and evaluation and their asynchronous execution, as shown in the figure below.
Users require two types of containers, one for steering and the other for evaluation.
For steering, users can use predefined containers or their own containers.
Note that users need to use ML packages such as skopt
and nevergrad which support the ask-and-tell pattern,
when making own steering containers.
This page explains how
steering containers communicate with the system.
Users provide execution strings to specify how to generate new hyperparameter points in their steering containers.
Each execution string would contain several placeholders which are dynamically
replaced with actual values when the containers are executed.
Input and output are done through json files in the initial working directly $PWD
so that the directory
needs to be initially mounted.
For evaluation, users also provide execution strings to specify what is executed in their containers
to train the ML model. There are two files for input (one for a hyperparameter point to be evaluated and
the other for training data) and three files for output (the first one to report the loss, the second one
to report job metadata, and the last one to preserve training metrics). The input file for a hyperparameter
point and the output file to report the loss are mandatory, while other files are optional.
See the this page for the details
of their format.
Note that evaluation containers are executed in the read-only mode, so that file-writing operations have to be done in
the initial working directory /srv/workDir
which is bound to the host working directory where containers and the system communicate using the input and output files.
It is better to dynamically get the path of the initial working directory using os.getcwd()
, echo $PWD
and so on, when applications are executed in evaluation containers,
rather than hard-coding /srv/workDir
in the
applications, since the convention might be changed in the future.
is a command-line tool specialized for HPO task submission.
The following options are available in addition to usual options such as --site
and --verbose
All options can be loaded from a json using --loadJson
if preferable.
The number of hyperparameter points being evaluated
concurrently. 1 by default
--maxPoints MAXPOINTS
The max number of hyperparameter points to be
evaluated in the entire search. 10 by default.
The max number of evaluation jobs in the entire
search. 2*maxPoints by default. The task is terminated
when all hyperparameter points are evaluated or the
number of evaluation jobs reaches MAXEVALUATIONJOBS
For steering,
The max number of hyperparameter points generated in
each iteration. 2 by default Simply speaking, the
steering container is executed
maxPoints/nPointsPerIteration times when
minUnevaluatedPoints is 0. The number of new points is
The next iteration is triggered to generate new
hyperparameter points when the number of unevaluated
hyperparameter points goes below minUnevaluatedPoints.
0 by default
--steeringContainer STEERINGCONTAINER
The container image for steering run by docker
--steeringExec STEERINGEXEC
Execution string for steering. If --steeringContainer
is specified, the string is executed inside of the
container. Otherwise, the string is used as command-
line arguments for the docker command
External json filename to define the search space.
None by default. If this option is used together with
--segmentSpecFile the json file contains a list of
search space dictionaries. It is possible to contain
only one search space dictionary if all models use the
search space. In this case the search space dictionary
is cloned for every segment
For evaluation,
--evaluationContainer EVALUATIONCONTAINER
The container image for evaluation
--evaluationExec EVALUATIONEXEC
Execution string to run evaluation in singularity.
--evaluationInput EVALUATIONINPUT
Input filename for evaluation where a json-formatted
hyperparameter point is placed. input.json by default
Input filename for evaluation where a json-formatted
list of training data filenames is placed.
input_ds.json by default. Can be omitted if the
payload directly fetches the training data using wget
or something
--evaluationOutput EVALUATIONOUTPUT
Output filename of evaluation. output.json by default
--evaluationMeta EVALUATIONMETA
The name of metadata file produced by evaluation
--evaluationMetrics EVALUATIONMETRICS
The name of metrics file produced by evaluation
Name of training dataset
A comma-separated list of files and/or directories to
be periodically saved to a tarball for checkpointing.
Note that those files and directories must be placed
in the working directory. None by default
The name of the saved tarball for checkpointing. The
tarball is given to the evaluation container when the
training is resumed, if this option is specified.
Otherwise, the tarball is automatically extracted in
the working directories
Frequency to check files for checkpointing in minute.
5 by default
To see latest or full list of options,
phpo --helpGroup ALL
How to submit HPO tasks
There are a couple of concrete examples in this HPO page.
The most important options of phpo
are --steeringContainer
, --steeringExec
, --evaluationContainer
and --evaluationExec
i.e., container names for steering and evaluation, and what is executed in each container.
Here is an example to show how those options look like.
$ cat config_dev.json
"evaluationContainer": "docker://",
"evaluationExec": "bash ./",
"evaluationMetrics": "metrics.tgz",
"searchSpaceFile": "search_space_example2.json",
"steeringExec": "/bin/bash -c \"hpogrid generate --n_point=%NUM_POINTS --max_point=%MAX_POINTS --infile=$PWD/%IN --outfile=$PWD/%OUT -l=nevergrad\"",
"steeringContainer": "",
"trainingDS": "user.hoge.my_training_dataset",
Note that the execution string for the evaluation container is written in a local file
All files with *.json, *.sh, *.py, *.yaml in the local current directory are automatically sent to the remote working directory.
So users don’t have to specify a complicated execution string in --evaluationExec
. E.g.
$ cat
export CALO_DNN_DIR=/ATLASMLHPO/payload/CaloImageDNN
curl -sSL | tar -xzvf -;
python $CALO_DNN_DIR/scripts/ input.json input_new.json
cp -r $CALO_DNN_DIR/exp_scalars $CURRENT_DIR/
python /ATLASMLHPO/payload/CaloImageDNN/ -i input_new.json --exp_dir $CURRENT_DIR/exp_scalars/ --data_path $CURRENT_DIR/dataset/event100.h5 --rm_bad_reco True --zee_only True -g 0
rm -fr $CURRENT_DIR/exp_scalars/
tar cvfz $CURRENT_DIR/metrics.tgz mlruns/*
rm -fr mlruns dataset
The initial search space can be described in a json file.
$ cat search_space_example2.json
"auto_lr": {
"method": "categorical",
"dimension": {
"categories": [
"grid_search": 0
"batch_size": {
"method": "uniformint",
"dimension": {
"low": 10,
"high": 30
"epoch": {
"method": "uniformint",
"dimension": {
"low": 5,
"high": 10
"cnn_block_depths_1": {
"method": "categorical",
"dimension": {
"categories": [1, 1, 2],
"grid_search": 0
"cnn_block_depths_2": {
"method": "uniformint",
"dimension": {
"low": 1,
"high": 3
phpo --loadJson config_dev.json --site XYZ --outDS user.blah.`uuidgen`
Once tasks are submitted, users can see what’s going on in the system by using PanDA monitor.
If --trainingDS
is specified each PanDA job gets all files in the dataset unless the task is segmented.
Segmented HPO is explained later.
Protection against bad hyperparameter points
Each hyperparameter point is evaluated 3 times at most. If all attempts are timed-out, the system considers that the hyperparameter point is hopeless and a very large loss is registered, so that the task continues.
Visualization of the search results
It is possible to upload a tarball of metrics files to a grid storage when evaluating each hyperparameter point.
For example, the above example
uses MLflow for logging parameters and metrics, collects all files under ./mlflow
into tarballs, and uploads them to grid storages.
The filename of the tarball needs to be specified using the --evaluationMetrics
option. Tarballs are
registered in the output dataset so that they can
be download using rucio client. It is easy to combine MLflow metrics files. The procedure is as follows:
rucio download --no-subdir <output dataset>
tar xvfz *
tar xvfz metrics*
mlflow ui
Then access to using your own browser will show something like the figure below.
There is an on-going development activity to dynamically spin-up MLFlow services on !PanDA monitoring or something which would do the above procedure on behalf of users and centrally provide MLFlow UI to users.
Relationship between nPointsPerIteration and minUnevaluatedPoints
The relationship between nPointsPerIteration
and minUnevaluatedPoints
is illustrated in the above figure.
The steering is executed to generate new hyperparameter points every time the number of unevaluated points goes below
The number of new points is nPointsPerIteration-minUnevaluatedPoints
. The main idea to set a non-zero value to
is to keep
the task running even if some hyperparameter points take very long to be evaluated.
What “Logged status: skipped since no HP point to evaluate or enough concurrent HPO jobs” means in PanDA monitor
PanDA jobs are generated every 10 min, when the number of active PanDA jobs is less than nParallelEvaluation
there is at least one unevaluated hyperparameter point.
The logging message means that there are enough PanDA jobs running/queued in the system, or the system has evaluated
or is evaluating all hyperparameter points which have been generated so far. Note that there is a delay for iDDS to
trigger the next iteration after enough hyperparameter points were evaluated in the previous iteration.
If evaluation containers support checkpointing it is possible to terminate evaluation in the middle and resume it afterward, which is typically useful to run long training on short-lived and/or preemptive resources. Evaluation containers need to
periodically produce checkpoint file(s) in the initial working directory or in sub-directories under the initial working directory by using relevant functions of ML packages like keras example, and
resume the training if checkpoint file(s) are available in the initial working directory, otherwise, start a fresh training.
Users can specify the names of the checkpoint files and/or the sub-directories using the --checkPointToSave
The system periodically checks the files and/or sub-directories, and saves them in a persistent location if some of
them were updated after the previous check cycle. The check interval
is defined by using --checkPointInterval
which is 5 minutes by default. Note that the total size of checkpoint
files must be less than 100 MB.
When PaDA jobs are terminated while evaluating hyperparameter points, they are automatically retried. The latest
saved checkpoint files
are provided to the retried PanDA jobs. If the --checkPointToLoad
option is specified the checkpoint
files/directories are archived to a tarball which
is placed in the initial working directory, otherwise, they are copied to the initial working directory with
the original file/directory names.
Segmented HPO
It is possible to define multiple ML models in a single HPO task and optimize hyperparameters for each
model independently. This is typically useful when you have a target object, which can be logically
or practically partitioned
to sub-objects, and want to optimize their ML models in one-go.
For example, it would be reasonable to logically break down a puppet to several parts, such as arms, body, and legs,
in some use-cases, but it would be nightmare to submit a HPO task for each part if there are so many.
Instead, the user would submit a single task for the puppet and let the system split workload based on the
user-defined breakdown instruction, which would significantly simplify bookkeeping from user’s point of view.
It is enough to prepare a single training dataset which contains files for all models, but the user
needs to specify how the training dataset is partitioned by using the --segmentSpecFile
External json filename to define segments for
segmented HPO which has one model for each segment to
be optimized independently. The file contains a list of
dictionaries {'name': arbitrary_unique_segment_name,
'files': [filename_used_for_the_segment_in_the_training_dataset,
... ]}. It is also possible to specify 'datasets' instead of 'files'
in those dictionaries if the training dataset has constituent
datasets and is partitioned with constituent dataset boundaries.
None by default
For example, when a dataset contains file_1, file_2, file_3, …, and file_N, the json would be something like
$ cat seg.json
"files": [
"name": "name_A"
"files": [
"name": "name_B"
so that there are two segments in the task. Note that it is also possible to specify ‘datasets’ instead of ‘files’ in dictionaries in the json if the training dataset has constituent datasets and is partitioned with constituent dataset boundaries.
phpo --segmentSpecFile seg.json --trainingDS blah ...
The first segment is called name_A and PanDA jobs for the segment
takes only file_1 and file_3 from the training dataset, while the second segment is called name_B and
PanDA jobs for the segment takes only file_2. It is possible to use %SEGMENT_NAME in --evaluationExec
which is replaced with the actual segment name, such as name_A and name_B, so that the evaluation
container can dynamically choose the model relevant to the segment name as shown in the figure below.
The segment name is prepended to metrics files to show for which segment the metrics file contains information. For example,
"evaluationExec": "python %SEGMENT_NAME",
"evaluationMetrics": "metrics.tgz",
with those options, PanDA jobs for the first segment would execute the evaluation container with “python name_A” so that would change configuration based on sys.argv[1], and the system would rename metrics.tgz to name_A.XYZ.metrics.tgz.