Starting and Stopping Harvester Service

This documentation is for Harvester v0.5.0 or above

The following contents cover how to manage the service running Harvester with uWSGI (the most common approach to run Harvester)

With systemd service

(Recommended for OS el9 or above)

As of v0.3.2, after pip installed harvester, a new configuration template about environment variables is available at ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/sysconfig/panda_harvester_env.systemd.rpmnew (some fields should already be automatically filled during installation). Similarly, the uWSGI configuration template is available at ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/panda/panda_harvester-uwsgi.ini.rpmnew.

Copy both template files to the specific paths ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/sysconfig/panda_harvester_env and ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/panda/panda_harvester-uwsgi.ini respectively. Edit the new files if necessary.

# cp etc/sysconfig/panda_harvester_env.systemd.rpmnew etc/sysconfig/panda_harvester_env
# cp etc/panda/panda_harvester-uwsgi.ini.rpmnew etc/panda/panda_harvester-uwsgi.ini

Usually, the uWSGI configuration file ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/panda/panda_harvester-uwsgi.ini should be good to run before any change. If one wants to modify the uWSGI configuration file, check uWSGI docs for more details.

A template of the systemd script is available at ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/systemd/system/panda_harvester-uwsgi.service . Copy the template to a new file named /etc/systemd/system/panda_harvester-uwsgi.service , edit the new file if necessary, and run systemd daemon-reload:

# cp ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/systemd/system/panda_harvester-uwsgi.service /etc/systemd/system/panda_harvester-uwsgi.service

# systemctl daemon-reload

And then, one can start, stop, restart, or reload harvester:

# systemctl start panda_harvester-uwsgi.service
# systemctl stop panda_harvester-uwsgi.service
# systemctl restart panda_harvester-uwsgi.service
# systemctl reload panda_harvester-uwsgi.service


  • start: start Harvester service - The master uWSGI process starts, and it spawns sub-processes (uWSGI workers, which run Harvester)

  • stop: stop Harvester service - Terminates all uWSGI processes (master and sub-)

  • restart: equivalent to stop and then start

  • reload: run uWSGI reload - The master uWSGI process remains alive, terminates all sub-processes and then re-spawns new ones. In most cases, reload can do the same work as restart

With service script

(Only recommended when systemd service is not available. E.g. in a container)

After the installation of Harvester, a template of service script is available at ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/rc.d/init.d/panda_harvester-uwsgi.rpmnew.template for easy start. Copy the template to new file named ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/rc.d/init.d/panda_harvester-uwsgi , and then edit the new file.

In the CONFIGURATION SECTION, userName, groupName, VIRTUAL_ENV, LOG_DIR need to be modified at least. Other variables can be modified as well, say nProcesses and nThreads defines the number of processes and the number of threads in each process.

Also, there is option to run uWSGI with an independent configuration file for more configuration flexibility: One can uncomment the line of uwsgiConfig In the CONFIGURATION SECTION and set it to be the path of the uWSGI ini configuration file (filename must end in extension “.ini”). A template of uWSGI ini configuration file is available at ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/panda/panda_harvester-uwsgi.ini.rpmnew – one can copy it to ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/panda/panda_harvester-uwsgi.ini (it should be functional before any modification).

Then, one can use this script to start, stop, or reload harvester:

$ etc/rc.d/init.d/panda_harvester-uwsgi start
$ etc/rc.d/init.d/panda_harvester-uwsgi stop
$ etc/rc.d/init.d/panda_harvester-uwsgi reload

where reload can be used after harvester code or configurations (e.g. harvester.cfg) change.