PanDA server
This is the setup guide of the PanDA server.
This is a complete guide. It is recommended to have a look at Quick Admin Tutorial beforehand.
Software requirements
The PanDA server requires:
CentOS 7 or similar Linux distribution
httpd ≥ 2.4
python ≥ 3.6
Dependent python packages are automatically installed by pip.
It is a good practice to do installation in virtual environment.
python3 -m venv <install dir>
. <install dir>/bin/activate
pip install -U pip setuptools
pip install panda-server[<database type>]
which will install panda-server, panda-common, and dependent python packages. The <database type>
oracle, postgres, or mysql depending on your database backend.
If the latest panda-server in the git master repository is required,
pip install git+
There are two python, one httpd, and one system configuration files under ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/panda
This configuration file sets various parameters for logging.
cd ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/panda
mv panda_common.cfg.rpmnew panda_common.cfg
The following parameters need to be modified if any.
Name |
Description |
Default |
loghost |
The hostname of PanDA monitor | |
logdir |
The directory name where common log files are placed |
/var/log/panda |
log_level |
Logging level |
This configuration file sets various parameters of the PanDA server.
cd ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/panda
mv panda_server.cfg.rpmnew panda_server.cfg
The following parameters need to be modified if any.
Name |
Description |
Default |
logdir |
The directory name where server’s log files are placed |
/var/log/panda |
dbhost |
The database hostname |
dbuser |
The database username |
dbpasswd |
The database password |
The number of database connections in each Web application |
1 |
backend |
Set mysql to use MySQL database |
oracle |
pserveralias |
The common name of the http server | |
adder_plugins |
Adder plugins |
setupper_plugins |
Setupper plugins |
token_authType |
Set to oidc to enable OIDC-based auth |
x509 |
auth_config |
The directory name for OIDC-based auth configuration files |
auth_policies |
The policy file of OIDC-based auth |
Parameters of PanDA Daemon are descrribed in PanDA Daemon.
This configuration file set varous parameters of httpd.
cd ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/panda
mv panda_server-httpd-FastCGI.conf.rpmnew panda_server-httpd.conf
The following parameters need to be modified. See Apache doc for detailed explanation of each directive.
Name |
Description |
User |
The userid under which httpd runs |
Group |
The group under which httpd runs |
LoadModule wsgi_module |
The file path of the mod_wsgi module |
ServerName |
The httpd server name |
Alias /auth/ |
The directory name for OIDC-based auth configuration files. Must be consistent with panda_server.cfg |
WSGIDaemonProcess |
Config of WSGI daemons. Change |
Also you need to get/generate host certificate and key files and place them at /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
and /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem
, respectively.
The following httpd parameters can be configured dynamically by setting corresponding environment variables
when the service gets started. The default values of those variables are defined in
Name |
Environment variable |
Default value |
The common name of httpd service | |
The minimum number of httpd workers |
25 |
The maximum number of httpd workers |
512 |
The number of WSGI deamons |
12 |
sysconfig and environment files for systemd
mv ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/panda/panda_server.sysconfig_for_systemd /etc/sysconfig/panda_server
mv ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/panda/panda_server_env.systemd.rpmnew /etc/sysconfig/panda_server_env
Name |
Description |
The non-NFS home directory to run the service |
Proxy file path |
System Setup
Then you need to register the PanDA server as a system service, make some directories, and setup log rotation if any.
# register the PanDA server in the system
mkdir -p /etc/panda
ln -s ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/panda/*.cfg /etc/panda/
mv ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/idds/idds.cfg.client.template ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/idds/idds.cfg
ln -fs ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/panda/systemd/*.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable panda.service
systemctl enable panda_daemon.service
systemctl enable panda_httpd.service
# make dirs
mkdir -p <logdir in panda_common.cfg>/wsgisocks
chown -R <userid in httpd.conf>:<group in httpd.conf> <logdir in panda_common.cfg>
# setup log rotation if necessary
ln -fs ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/panda/panda_server.logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/panda_server
Service Control
# start
systemctl start panda.service
# stop
systemctl stop panda.service
There should be log files in the logdir
If httpd doesn’t get started there could be clues in panda_server_error_log
curl http://localhost:25080/server/panda/isAlive
It will show the following message if successful.
If not, see log files under logdir
, especially panda_server_access_log
, panda_server_error_log
, panda-DBProxyPool.log
, and panda-DBProxy.log
would help.
Deployment with Helm
It is possible to deploy PanDA server instances on Kubernetes cluster using Helm.
tar xvfz panda-server-helm.tgz
cd panda-server-helm
First, copy your host certificate and key files in the current directory.
cp /somewhere/hostcert.pem .
cp /somewhere/hostkey.pem .
Next, edit panda_server_configmap.json
where each json entry corresponds to the attribute in panda_server.cfg
For example,
"server": {
"dbuser": "FIXME",
in panda_server_configmap.json
corresponds to
dbuser = FIXME
in panda_server.cfg
Finally, you can install the PanDA server.
helm install mysrv ./
The service doesn’t get started automatically. To start it, set autoStart to true in values.yaml before installing the PanDA server.
autoStart: true
helm install mysrv ./ --set autoStart=true