Special setups for certain HPCs
How to setup virtualenv if unavailable by default
$ module load python
$ module load virtualenv
For others
$ pip install virtualenv --user
or more details in https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/
How to install python-daemon on Edison@NERSC
$ module load python
$ cd harvester
$ . bin/activate
$ pip install --index-url=http://pypi.python.org/simple/ --trusted-host pypi.python.org python-daemon
How to install rucio-client on Edison@NERSC (Required only if RucioStager is used)
$ cd harvester
$ . bin/activate
$ pip install rucio-clients
$ cat etc/rucio.cfg.atlas.client.template | grep -v ca_cert > etc/rucio.cfg
$ echo "ca_cert = /etc/pki/tls/certs/CERN-bundle.pem" >> etc/rucio.cfg
$ echo "auth_type = x509_proxy" >> etc/rucio.cfg
$ # For tests
$ export X509_USER_PROXY=...
$ export RUCIO_ACCOUNT=...
$ rucio ping
Install local panda-harvester package
$ cd panda-harvester
$ rm -rf dist
$ python setup.py sdist
$ pip install dist/pandaharvester-*.tar.gz --upgrade --force-reinstall --no-deps
$ pip install dist/pandaharvester-*.tar.gz --upgrade
Run harvester with supervisord
It is possible to automatically restart harvester when it died by using [supervisord](http://supervisord.org/) which can be installed via pip.
$ pip install supervisor
An example of supervisord configuration file is available at etc/panda/panda_supervisord.cfg. You need to rename it to panda_supervisord.cfg and change logfile, pidfile, and command parameters accordingly. The command parameter uses the [init.d script](https://github.com/HSF/harvester/wiki/Installation-and-configuration#initd-script). PROGNAME in the init.d script needs to be changed to
PROGNAME='python -u '${SITE_PACKAGES_PATH}'/pandaharvester/harvesterbody/master.py --foreground'
as applications to be run under supervisord must be executed in the foreground, i.e., not be daemonized.
To start supervisord
$ supervisord -c etc/panda/panda_supervisord.cfg
then harvester is automatically started.
To stop/start harvester
$ supervisorctl stop panda-harvester
$ supervisorctl start panda-harvester
To stop supervisord
$ supervisorctl shutdown
Harvester is automatically stopped when supervisord is stopped.
Running harvester with Apache
There is the option to run harvester with Apache (httpd) service.
Apache setup
First, make sure that httpd and mod_wsgi are installed on your node. An example of the httpd config file is available at etc/panda/panda_harvester-httpd.conf.rpmnew.template which needs to be renamed to panda_harvester-httpd.conf before being edited. User and Group need to be modified at least. In the httpd.conf there is a string like
WSGIDaemonProcess pandahvst_daemon processes=2 threads=2 home=${VIRTUAL_ENV}
which defines the number of processes and the number of threads in each process. Those numbers may be increased if necessary.
The following changes are required in panda_harvester.cfg:
# type
type = apache
where type should be set to apache. Note that the port number for apache is defined in panda_harvester-httpd.conf.
Start/stop harvester with apache
Use panda_harvester-apachectl to start or stop harvester. An example of apachectl is available at etc/rc.d/init.d/panda_harvester-apachectl.rpmnew.template. You need change VIRTUAL_ENV in the script and rename it to panda_harvester-apachectl. Then
$ etc/rc.d/init.d/panda_harvester-apachectl start
$ etc/rc.d/init.d/panda_harvester-apachectl stop
Test Apache messenger
$ curl http://localhost:26080/entry -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"methodName":"test", "workerID":123, "data":"none"}'
It will receive a message like ‘workerID=123 not found in DB’.
Using Apache messenger with frontend service
Apache messenger can also work when harvester running with uWSGI. Once can either let uWSGI spawn an http router process, or setup a frontend web/proxy/router service which can speak in uwsgi protocol (e.g. NGiNX, Apache).
First, the following changes are required in panda_harvester.cfg:
# type
type = apache
where type should be set to apache. uWSGI will load apache messenger application after harvester restart. (Note that the port number here is ineffective in this case.)
Next, if one wants the http router by uWSGI itself, the address setup of httpRouter is required in etc/rc.d/init.d/panda_harvester-uwsgi . For example:
This opens port 25080 on localhost.
This opens port 25080 to everywhere.
Then, stop and start harvester again with this script, and it’s done. (Note that using this script to reload does not work here since its own uwsgi configuration changed.)
On the other hand, if one wants http service opened on additional service, in etc/rc.d/init.d/panda_harvester-uwsgi the httpRouter must not be set. Instead, just configure one’s frontend service to proxy or route to the socket uWSGI is running. For example, in etc/rc.d/init.d/panda_harvester-uwsgi say there is
where uWSGI running with localhost:3334 open.
Say if one has already set up the nginx service and wants a reverse proxy for harvester apache messenger, then just add the following directives in the nginx config
include *path_of_uwsgi_params*;
A complete nginx config may look like
server {
listen 8000;
server_name localhost;
charset utf-8;
access_log /var/log/nginx/app.net_access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/app.net_error.log;
location /harvester {
include /opt/app/extras/uwsgi_params;
Then reload nginx service, and it’s done.
The test approach is the same as Test Apache messenger section above.
Remote configuration files
It is possible to load harvester and/or queue configuration files via http/https. This is typically useful to have a centralized pool of configuration files, so that it is easy to see with which configuration each harvester instance is running.
There are two environment variables HARVESTER_INSTANCE_CONFIG_URL and HARVESTER_QUEUE_CONFIG_URL to define URLs for system config and queue config files, respectively. If those variable are set, the harvester instance loads config files from those URLs and then overwrites parameters if they are specified in local config files. Sensitive information like database password should be stored only in local config files. System config files are read only when the harvester instance is launched, while queue config files are read every 10 min so that queue configuration can be dynamically changed during the instance is running.
Note that remote queue config file is periodically cached in the database by Cacher which automatically gets started when the harvester instance is launched, so you don’t have to do anything manually. However, when you edit remote queue config file and then want to run some unit tests which don’t run Cacher, you have to manually cache it using cacherTest.py.
$ python lib/python*/site-packages/pandaharvester/harvestertest/cacherTest.py