- class**kwargs)[source]
Analytics service class.
- __module__ = ''
- _fit = None
- chi2()[source]
Return the chi2 of the fit.
- Raises:
NotDefined – exception thrown if fit is not defined.
- Returns:
chi2 (float).
- extract_from_table(table, x_name, y_name)[source]
- Parameters:
table – dictionary with columns.
x_name – column name to be extracted (string).
y_name – column name to be extracted (may contain ‘+’-sign) (string).
- Returns:
x (list), y (list).
- fit(x, y, model='linear')[source]
Fitting function. For a linear model: y(x) = slope * x + intersect
- Parameters:
x – list of input data (list of floats or ints).
y – list of input data (list of floats or ints).
model – model name (string).
- Raises:
UnknownException – in case Fit() fails.
- Returns:
- get_fitted_data(filename, x_name='Time', y_name='pss+swap', precision=2, tails=True)[source]
Return a properly formatted job metrics string with analytics data. Currently the function returns a fit for PSS+Swap vs time, whose slope measures memory leaks.
- Parameters:
filename – full path to memory monitor output (string).
x_name – optional string, name selector for table column.
y_name – optional string, name selector for table column.
precision – optional precision for fitted slope parameter, default 2.
tails – should tails (first and last values) be used? (boolean).
- Returns:
{“slope”: slope, “chi2”: chi2} (float strings with desired precision).
- get_table(filename, header=None, separator='\t', convert_to_float=True)[source]
- Parameters:
filename – full path to input file (string).
header – header string.
separator – separator character (char).
convert_to_float – boolean, if True, all values will be converted to floats.
- Returns:
- intersect()[source]
Return the intersect of a linear fit, y(x) = slope * x + intersect.
- Raises:
NotDefined – exception thrown if fit is not defined.
- Returns:
intersect (float).
- slope()[source]
Return the slope of a linear fit, y(x) = slope * x + intersect.
- Raises:
NotDefined – exception thrown if fit is not defined.
- Returns:
slope (float).
- class**kwargs)[source]
Low-level fitting class.
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': '', '__doc__': '\n Low-level fitting class.\n ', '_model': 'linear', '_x': None, '_y': None, '_xm': None, '_ym': None, '_ss': None, '_ss2': None, '_slope': None, '_intersect': None, '_chi2': None, '__init__': <function Fit.__init__>, 'fit': <function>, 'value': <function Fit.value>, 'set_chi2': <function Fit.set_chi2>, 'chi2': <function Fit.chi2>, 'set_slope': <function Fit.set_slope>, 'slope': <function Fit.slope>, 'set_intersect': <function Fit.set_intersect>, 'intersect': <function Fit.intersect>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Fit' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Fit' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
- __init__(**kwargs)[source]
Init function.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
PilotException – NotImplementedError for unknown fitting model, NotDefined if input data not defined.
- __module__ = ''
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object
- _chi2 = None
- _intersect = None
- _model = 'linear'
- _slope = None
- _ss = None
- _ss2 = None
- _x = None
- _xm = None
- _y = None
- _ym = None