
Exceptions in pilot

exception pilot.common.exception.BadXML(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Badly formed XML.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.CommunicationFailure(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Failed to communicate with servers such as Panda, Harvester, ACT and so on.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.ConversionFailure(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Failed to convert object data.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.ESFatal(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Eventservice fatal exception.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.ESNoEvents(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Eventservice no events exception.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.ESRecoverable(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Eventservice recoverable exception.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
class pilot.common.exception.ExcThread(bucket, target, kwargs, name)[source]

Support class that allows for catching exceptions in threads.

__init__(bucket, target, kwargs, name)[source]

Init function with a bucket that can be used to communicate exceptions to the caller. The bucket is a Queue.queue() or queue.Queue() object that can hold an exception thrown by a thread.

  • bucket – queue based bucket.

  • target – target function to execute.

  • kwargs – target function options.

__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'

Return the bucket object that holds any information about thrown exceptions.


bucket (Queue object)


Thread run function. Any exceptions in the threads are caught in this function and placed in the bucket of the current thread. The bucket will be emptied by the control module that launched the thread. E.g. an exception is thrown in the retrieve thread (in function retrieve()) that is created by the job.control thread. The exception is caught by the run() function and placed in the bucket belonging to the retrieve thread. The bucket is emptied in job.control().


exception pilot.common.exception.ExceededMaxWaitTime(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Exceeded maximum waiting time (after abort_job has been set).

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.ExecutedCloneJob(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Clone job executed exception.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.FileHandlingFailure(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Failed during file handling.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.JobAlreadyRunning(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Job is already running elsewhere.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'

Return str(self).

exception pilot.common.exception.LogFileCreationFailure(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Log file could not be created.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.MKDirFailure(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Failed to create local directory.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.MessageFailure(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Failed to handle messages.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.NoGridProxy(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Grid proxy not valid.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.NoLocalSpace(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Not enough local space.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.NoSoftwareDir(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Software applications directory does not exist.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.NoSuchFile(*args, **kwargs)[source]

No such file or directory.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.NoVomsProxy(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Voms proxy not valid.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.NotDefined(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Not defined exception.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.NotSameLength(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Not same length exception.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.PilotException(*args, **kwargs)[source]

The basic exception class. The pilot error code can be defined here, where the pilot error code will be propageted to job server.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'

Return str(self).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

exception pilot.common.exception.QueuedataFailure(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Failed to download queuedata.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.QueuedataNotOK(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Corrupt queuedata.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.ReplicasNotFound(*args, **kwargs)[source]

No matching replicas were found in list_replicas() output.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.RunPayloadFailure(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Failed to execute payload.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.SetupFailure(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Failed to setup environment.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.SizeTooLarge(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Too large input files.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.StageInFailure(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Failed to stage-in file.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.StageOutFailure(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Failed to stage-out file.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.TrfDownloadFailure(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Transform could not be downloaded.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'
exception pilot.common.exception.UnknownException(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Unknown exception.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
__module__ = 'pilot.common.exception'

Check if we are running on Python 3.

