Using Message Processor

JEDI Message Processor can talk to other systems through message brokers which supports STOMP protocol (e.g. ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, etc.).

JEDI Configuration

The configFile parameter: Specify the path of the json configuration file for Message Processor . If commented, JEDI Message Processor will be disabled.


# json config file of message processors
configFile = /etc/panda/jedi_msg_proc_config.json

JSON Configuration File

An example of the JSON content in configFile:

"mb_servers": {
    "iDDS_mb": {
        "host_port_list": [""],
        "use_ssl": false,
        "username": "<username>",
        "passcode": "<passcode>",
        "verbose": true
    "rucio_mb": {
        "host_port_list": [""],
        "use_ssl": true,
        "cert_file": "/path/of/cert",
        "key_file": "/path/of/key",
        "vhost": "/"
"queues": {
    "idds": {
        "server": "iDDS_mb",
        "destination": "/queue/Consumer.jedi.atlas.idds"
    "rucio-events": {
        "server": "rucio_mb",
        "destination": "/queue/"
"processors": {
    "atlas-idds": {
        "enable": true,
        "module": "pandajedi.jedimsgprocessor.atlas_idds_msg_processor",
        "name": "AtlasIddsMsgProcPlugin",
        "in_queue": "idds",
        "verbose": true
    "panda-callback": {
        "enable": true,
        "module": "pandajedi.jedimsgprocessor.panda_callback_msg_processor",
        "name": "PandaCallbackMsgProcPlugin",
        "in_queue": "rucio-events"

In the JSON object, the configuration of message broker servers, queues, and message processors are defined.

Message Broker Servers

Defined under "mb_servers" object. In the "mb_servers" object, a key can be any arbitrary name standing for the message broker server. In the example above, there are 2 message broker servers, named “iDDS_mb” and “rucio_mb”.

Parameters of a message broker server:

  • "host_port_list": A list of host:port of the message broker servers. If multiple host:port are put in the list, only random one of them will be connected and the others will be failover candidates. Also in host;port if a hostname is used instead of IP address, all IP addresses mapped to the hostname according to DNS resolution will be connected. Mandatory

  • "use_ssl": STOMP option, whether to use SSL in authentication. Default is false

  • "username" and "passcode": STOMP option, authenticate the message broker server with username and passcode. Default is null

  • "cert_file" and "key_file": STOMP option, authenticate the message broker server with key/cert pair. Default is null

  • "vhost": STOMP option, vhost of the message broker. Default is null

  • "verbose": Whether to log verbosely about communication details with this message broker server. Default is false


Defined under "queues" object. In the "queues" object, a key can be any arbitrary name standing for a message queue. In the example above, there are 2 message queues, named “idds” and “rucio-events”.

Parameters of a message queue:

  • "server": Name of the message broker server defined under "mb_servers" for this message queue. Mandatory

  • "destination": STOMP option, destination path on the message broker server for this message queue. Mandatory

Message Processors

Defined under "processors" object

In the "processors" object, a key can be any arbitrary name standing for a message processor. A message processor running on JEDI consumes a message from a message queue and processes the message (and some message processor sends a new message to another message queue). There are various message processor plugins for different workflows. All message processors available in JEDI are in the message processor plugin repository.

Parameters of a message broker server:

  • "enable": Whether to enable this message processor. Useful when one needs to stop the message processor temporarily but still wants to keep it the configuration file. Default is true

  • "module" and "name": Module and class name of the message processor plugin in JEDI. Mandatory

  • "in_queue": Queue name defined under "queues" object, where the message processor consumes messages from this queue. Default is null

  • "out_queue": Queue name defined under "queues" object, where the message processor sends messages to this queue. Not required if the processor does not send out messages. Default is null

  • "verbose": Whether to log verbosely about this message processor. Default is false