Source code for pilot.util.harvester

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Authors:
# - Paul Nilsson,, 2018-2021

import os
import os.path
import socket

from pilot.common.exception import FileHandlingFailure
from pilot.util.config import config
from pilot.util.filehandling import write_json, touch, remove, read_json, get_checksum_value
from pilot.util.timing import time_stamp

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def dump(obj): """ function for debugging - dumps object to sysout """ for attr in dir(obj): print("obj.%s = %r" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr)))
[docs] def is_harvester_mode(args): """ Determine if the pilot is running in Harvester mode. :param args: Pilot arguments object. :return: Boolean. """ if (args.harvester_workdir != '' or args.harvester_datadir != '') and not args.update_server: harvester = True elif (args.harvester_eventstatusdump != '' or args.harvester_workerattributes != '') and not args.update_server: harvester = True elif ('HARVESTER_ID' in os.environ or 'HARVESTER_WORKER_ID' in os.environ) and args.harvester_submitmode.lower() == 'push': harvester = True else: harvester = False return harvester
[docs] def get_job_request_file_name(): """ Return the name of the job request file as defined in the pilot config file. :return: job request file name. """ #logger.debug('config.Harvester.__dict__ : {0}'.format(config.Harvester.__dict__)) return os.path.join(os.environ['PILOT_HOME'], config.Harvester.job_request_file)
[docs] def remove_job_request_file(): """ Remove an old job request file when it is no longer needed. :return: """ path = get_job_request_file_name() if os.path.exists(path): if remove(path) == 0:'removed %s', path) else: logger.debug('there is no job request file')
[docs] def request_new_jobs(njobs=1): """ Inform Harvester that the pilot is ready to process new jobs by creating a job request file with the desired number of jobs. :param njobs: Number of jobs. Default is 1 since on grids and clouds the pilot does not know how many jobs it can process before it runs out of time. :return: """ path = get_job_request_file_name() dictionary = {'nJobs': njobs} # write it to file try: write_json(path, dictionary) except FileHandlingFailure: raise FileHandlingFailure
[docs] def kill_worker(): """ Create (touch) a kill_worker file in the pilot launch directory. This file will let Harverster know that the pilot has finished. :return: """ touch(os.path.join(os.environ['PILOT_HOME'], config.Harvester.kill_worker_file))
[docs] def get_initial_work_report(): """ Prepare the work report dictionary. Note: the work_report should also contain all fields defined in parse_jobreport_data(). :return: work report dictionary. """ work_report = {'jobStatus': 'starting', 'messageLevel': logging.getLevelName(logger.getEffectiveLevel()), 'cpuConversionFactor': 1.0, 'cpuConsumptionTime': '', 'node': socket.gethostname(), 'workdir': '', 'timestamp': time_stamp(), 'endTime': '', 'transExitCode': 0, 'pilotErrorCode': 0, # only add this in case of failure? } return work_report
[docs] def get_event_status_file(args): """ Return the name of the event_status.dump file as defined in the pilot config file and from the pilot arguments. :param args: Pilot arguments object. :return: event staus file name. """ logger.debug('config.Harvester.__dict__ : {0}'.format(config.Harvester.__dict__)) if args.harvester_workdir != '': work_dir = args.harvester_workdir else: work_dir = os.environ['PILOT_HOME'] event_status_file = config.Harvester.stageoutnfile event_status_file = os.path.join(work_dir, event_status_file) logger.debug('event_status_file = {}'.format(event_status_file)) return event_status_file
[docs] def get_worker_attributes_file(args): """ Return the name of the worker attributes file as defined in the pilot config file and from the pilot arguments. :param args: Pilot arguments object. :return: worker attributes file name. """ logger.debug('config.Harvester.__dict__ : {0}'.format(config.Harvester.__dict__)) if args.harvester_workdir != '': work_dir = args.harvester_workdir else: work_dir = os.environ['PILOT_HOME'] worker_attributes_file = config.Harvester.workerattributesfile worker_attributes_file = os.path.join(work_dir, worker_attributes_file) logger.debug('worker_attributes_file = {}'.format(worker_attributes_file)) return worker_attributes_file
[docs] def findfile(path, name): """ find the first instance of file in the directory tree :param path: directory tree to search :param name: name of the file to search :return: the path to the first instance of the file """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if name in files: return os.path.join(root, name) return ''
[docs] def publish_stageout_files(job, event_status_file): """ Publishing of work report to file. The work report dictionary should contain the fields defined in get_initial_work_report(). :param args: Pilot arguments object. :param job: job object. :param event status file name: :return: Boolean. status of writing the file information to a json """ # get the harvester workdir from the event_status_file work_dir = os.path.dirname(event_status_file) out_file_report = {} out_file_report[job.jobid] = [] # first look at the logfile information (logdata) from the FileSpec objects for fspec in job.logdata: logger.debug("File {} will be checked and declared for stage out".format(fspec.lfn)) # find the first instance of the file filename = os.path.basename(fspec.surl) path = findfile(work_dir, filename) logger.debug("Found File {} at path - {}".format(fspec.lfn, path)) # file_desc = {} file_desc['type'] = fspec.filetype file_desc['path'] = path file_desc['guid'] = fspec.guid file_desc['fsize'] = fspec.filesize file_desc['chksum'] = get_checksum_value(fspec.checksum) logger.debug("File description - {} ".format(file_desc)) out_file_report[job.jobid].append(file_desc) # Now look at the output file(s) information (outdata) from the FileSpec objects for fspec in job.outdata: logger.debug("File {} will be checked and declared for stage out".format(fspec.lfn)) if fspec.status != 'transferred': logger.debug('will not add the output file to the json since it was not produced or transferred') else: # find the first instance of the file filename = os.path.basename(fspec.surl) path = findfile(work_dir, filename) if not path: logger.warning('file %s was not found - will not be added to json') else: logger.debug("Found File {} at path - {}".format(fspec.lfn, path)) # file_desc = {} file_desc['type'] = fspec.filetype file_desc['path'] = path file_desc['guid'] = fspec.guid file_desc['fsize'] = fspec.filesize file_desc['chksum'] = get_checksum_value(fspec.checksum) logger.debug("File description - {} ".format(file_desc)) out_file_report[job.jobid].append(file_desc) if out_file_report[job.jobid]: if write_json(event_status_file, out_file_report): logger.debug('Stagout declared in: {0}'.format(event_status_file)) logger.debug('Report for stageout: {}'.format(out_file_report)) return True else: logger.debug('Failed to declare stagout in: {0}'.format(event_status_file)) return False else: logger.debug('No Report for stageout') return False
[docs] def publish_work_report(work_report=None, worker_attributes_file="worker_attributes.json"): """ Publishing of work report to file. The work report dictionary should contain the fields defined in get_initial_work_report(). :param work_report: work report dictionary. :param worker_attributes_file: :raises FileHandlingFailure: in case of IOError. :return: True or False """ if work_report: try: work_report['timestamp'] = time_stamp() if "outputfiles" in work_report: del(work_report["outputfiles"]) if "inputfiles" in work_report: del (work_report["inputfiles"]) if "xml" in work_report: del (work_report["xml"]) if write_json(worker_attributes_file, work_report):"work report published: {0}".format(work_report)) return True else: logger.error("work report publish failed: {0}".format(work_report)) return False except IOError: logger.error("job report copy failed") return False except Exception as e: logger.error("write json file failed: {0}".format(e)) return False else: # No work_report return False return False
[docs] def publish_job_report(job, args, job_report_file="jobReport.json"): """ Copy job report file to make it accessible by Harvester. Shrink job report file. :param job: job object. :param args: Pilot arguments object. :param job_report_file: name of job report (string). :raises FileHandlingFailure: in case of IOError. :return True or False """ src_file = os.path.join(job.workdir, job_report_file) dst_file = os.path.join(args.harvester_workdir, job_report_file) try: "copy of payload report [{0}] to access point: {1}".format(job_report_file, args.harvester_workdir)) # shrink jobReport job_report = read_json(src_file) if 'executor' in job_report: for executor in job_report['executor']: if 'logfileReport' in executor: executor['logfileReport'] = {} if write_json(dst_file, job_report): return True else: return False except IOError: logger.error("job report copy failed") return False
[docs] def parse_job_definition_file(filename): """ This function parses the Harvester job definition file and re-packages the job definition dictionaries. The format of the Harvester job definition dictionary is: dict = { job_id: { key: value, .. }, .. } The function returns a list of these dictionaries each re-packaged as dict = { key: value } (where the job_id is now one of the key-value pairs: 'jobid': job_id) :param filename: file name (string). :return: list of job definition dictionaries. """ job_definitions_list = [] # re-package dictionaries job_definitions_dict = read_json(filename) if job_definitions_dict: for job_id in job_definitions_dict: res = {'jobid': job_id} res.update(job_definitions_dict[job_id]) job_definitions_list.append(res) return job_definitions_list