#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Authors:
# - Paul Nilsson, paul.nilsson@cern.ch, 2018-2021
import subprocess
from os import environ, getcwd, setpgrp #, getpgid #setsid
from sys import version_info
from pilot.common.errorcodes import ErrorCodes
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
errors = ErrorCodes()
def is_python3():
Check if we are running on Python 3.
:return: boolean.
return version_info >= (3, 0)
def execute(executable, **kwargs):
Execute the command and its options in the provided executable list.
The function also determines whether the command should be executed within a container.
:param executable: command to be executed (string or list).
:param kwargs (timeout, usecontainer, returnproc):
:return: exit code, stdout and stderr (or process if requested via returnproc argument)
mute = kwargs.get('mute', False)
mode = kwargs.get('mode', 'bash')
cwd = kwargs.get('cwd', getcwd())
stdout_name = kwargs.get('stdout', subprocess.PIPE)
stderr_name = kwargs.get('stderr', subprocess.PIPE)
usecontainer = kwargs.get('usecontainer', False)
returnproc = kwargs.get('returnproc', False)
# timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', None) # Python 3
job = kwargs.get('job')
# convert executable to string if it is a list
if type(executable) is list:
executable = ' '.join(executable)
# switch off pilot controlled containers for user defined containers
if job and job.imagename != "" and "runcontainer" in executable:
usecontainer = False
job.usecontainer = usecontainer
# Import user specific code if necessary (in case the command should be executed in a container)
# Note: the container.wrapper() function must at least be declared
if usecontainer:
executable, diagnostics = containerise_executable(executable, **kwargs)
if not executable:
return None if returnproc else -1, "", diagnostics
if not mute:
executable_readable = executable
executables = executable_readable.split(";")
for sub_cmd in executables:
if 'S3_SECRET_KEY=' in sub_cmd:
secret_key = sub_cmd.split('S3_SECRET_KEY=')[1]
secret_key = 'S3_SECRET_KEY=' + secret_key
executable_readable = executable_readable.replace(secret_key, 'S3_SECRET_KEY=********')
logger.info('executing command: %s', executable_readable)
if mode == 'python':
exe = ['/usr/bin/python'] + executable.split()
exe = ['/bin/bash', '-c', executable]
# try: intercept exception such as OSError -> report e.g. error.RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE: "Resource temporarily unavailable"
if is_python3(): # Python 3
process = subprocess.Popen(exe,
process = subprocess.Popen(exe,
if returnproc:
return process
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
exit_code = process.poll()
# remove any added \n
if stdout and stdout.endswith('\n'):
stdout = stdout[:-1]
return exit_code, stdout, stderr
def containerise_executable(executable, **kwargs):
Wrap the containerisation command around the executable.
:param executable: command to be wrapper (string).
:param kwargs: kwargs dictionary.
:return: containerised executable (list).
job = kwargs.get('job')
user = environ.get('PILOT_USER', 'generic').lower() # TODO: replace with singleton
container = __import__('pilot.user.%s.container' % user, globals(), locals(), [user], 0) # Python 2/3
if container:
# should a container really be used?
do_use_container = job.usecontainer if job else container.do_use_container(**kwargs)
# overrule for event service
if job and job.is_eventservice and do_use_container and environ.get('PILOT_ES_EXECUTOR_TYPE', 'generic') != 'raythena':
logger.info('overruling container decision for event service grid job')
do_use_container = False
if do_use_container:
diagnostics = ""
executable = container.wrapper(executable, **kwargs)
except Exception as exc:
diagnostics = 'failed to execute wrapper function: %s' % exc
if executable == "":
diagnostics = 'failed to prepare container command (error code should have been set)'
if diagnostics != "":
return None, diagnostics
logger.info('pilot user container module has decided to not use a container')
logger.warning('container module could not be imported')
return executable, ""