Source code for pilot.user.generic.setup

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Authors:
# - Paul Nilsson,, 2017

import os
import re
import glob
from time import sleep

from pilot.common.errorcodes import ErrorCodes
from pilot.util.container import execute
from pilot.util.filehandling import copy

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

errors = ErrorCodes()

[docs] def get_analysis_trf(transform, workdir): """ Prepare to download the user analysis transform with curl. The function will verify the download location from a known list of hosts. :param transform: full trf path (url) (string). :param workdir: work directory (string). :return: exit code (int), diagnostics (string), transform_name (string) """ ec = 0 diagnostics = "" # test if $HARVESTER_WORKDIR is set harvester_workdir = os.environ.get('HARVESTER_WORKDIR') if harvester_workdir is not None: search_pattern = "%s/jobO.*.tar.gz" % harvester_workdir logger.debug("search_pattern - %s" % search_pattern) jobopt_files = glob.glob(search_pattern) for jobopt_file in jobopt_files: logger.debug("jobopt_file = %s workdir = %s" % (jobopt_file, workdir)) try: copy(jobopt_file, workdir) except Exception as e: logger.error("could not copy file %s to %s : %s" % (jobopt_file, workdir, e)) if '/' in transform: transform_name = transform.split('/')[-1] else: logger.warning('did not detect any / in %s (using full transform name)' % transform) transform_name = transform # is the command already available? (e.g. if already downloaded by a preprocess/main process step) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(workdir, transform_name)):'script %s is already available - no need to download again' % transform_name) return ec, diagnostics, transform_name original_base_url = "" # verify the base URL for base_url in get_valid_base_urls(): if transform.startswith(base_url): original_base_url = base_url break if original_base_url == "": diagnostics = "invalid base URL: %s" % transform return errors.TRFDOWNLOADFAILURE, diagnostics, "" # try to download from the required location, if not - switch to backup status = False for base_url in get_valid_base_urls(order=original_base_url): trf = re.sub(original_base_url, base_url, transform) logger.debug("attempting to download script: %s" % trf) status, diagnostics = download_transform(trf, transform_name, workdir) if status: break if not status: return errors.TRFDOWNLOADFAILURE, diagnostics, """successfully downloaded script") path = os.path.join(workdir, transform_name) logger.debug("changing permission of %s to 0o755" % path) try: os.chmod(path, 0o755) # Python 2/3 except Exception as e: diagnostics = "failed to chmod %s: %s" % (transform_name, e) return errors.CHMODTRF, diagnostics, "" return ec, diagnostics, transform_name
[docs] def get_valid_base_urls(order=None): """ Return a list of valid base URLs from where the user analysis transform may be downloaded from. If order is defined, return given item first. E.g. order= -> ['', ...] NOTE: the URL list may be out of date. :param order: order (string). :return: valid base URLs (list). """ valid_base_urls = [] _valid_base_urls = ["", ""] if order: valid_base_urls.append(order) for url in _valid_base_urls: if url != order: valid_base_urls.append(url) else: valid_base_urls = _valid_base_urls return valid_base_urls
[docs] def download_transform(url, transform_name, workdir): """ Download the transform from the given url :param url: download URL with path to transform (string). :param transform_name: trf name (string). :param workdir: work directory (string). :return: """ status = False diagnostics = "" path = os.path.join(workdir, transform_name) cmd = 'curl -sS \"%s\" > %s' % (url, path) trial = 1 max_trials = 3 # test if $HARVESTER_WORKDIR is set harvester_workdir = os.environ.get('HARVESTER_WORKDIR') if harvester_workdir is not None: # skip curl by setting max_trials = 0 max_trials = 0 source_path = os.path.join(harvester_workdir, transform_name) try: copy(source_path, path) status = True except Exception as error: status = False diagnostics = "Failed to copy file %s to %s : %s" % (source_path, path, error) logger.error(diagnostics) # try to download the trf a maximum of 3 times while trial <= max_trials:"executing command [trial %d/%d]: %s" % (trial, max_trials, cmd)) exit_code, stdout, stderr = execute(cmd, mute=True) if not stdout: stdout = "(None)" if exit_code != 0: # Analyze exit code / output diagnostics = "curl command failed: %d, %s, %s" % (exit_code, stdout, stderr) logger.warning(diagnostics) if trial == max_trials: logger.fatal('could not download transform: %s' % stdout) status = False break else:"will try again after 60 s") sleep(60) else:"curl command returned: %s" % stdout) status = True break trial += 1 return status, diagnostics