#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Authors:
# - Tobias Wegner, tobias.wegner@cern.ch, 2017-2018
# - Paul Nilsson, paul.nilsson@cern.ch, 2017-2021
# Reimplemented by Alexey Anisenkov
import os
import logging
import re
from time import time
from .common import resolve_common_transfer_errors, verify_catalog_checksum #, get_timeout
from pilot.util.container import execute
from pilot.common.exception import PilotException, ErrorCodes
#from pilot.util.timer import timeout
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
require_replicas = True ## indicate if given copytool requires input replicas to be resolved
allowed_schemas = ['root'] # prioritized list of supported schemas for transfers by given copytool
copy_command = 'xrdcp'
def is_valid_for_copy_in(files):
return True ## FIX ME LATER
def is_valid_for_copy_out(files):
return True ## FIX ME LATER
def _resolve_checksum_option(setup, **kwargs):
cmd = "%s --version" % copy_command
if setup:
cmd = "source %s; %s" % (setup, cmd)
logger.info("Execute command (%s) to check xrdcp client version", cmd)
rcode, stdout, stderr = execute(cmd, **kwargs)
logger.info("return code: %s", rcode)
logger.info("return output: %s", stdout + stderr)
cmd = "%s -h" % copy_command
if setup:
cmd = "source %s; %s" % (setup, cmd)
logger.info("Execute command (%s) to decide which option should be used to calc/verify file checksum..", cmd)
rcode, stdout, stderr = execute(cmd, **kwargs)
output = stdout + stderr
logger.info("return code: %s", rcode)
logger.debug("return output: %s", output)
coption = ""
checksum_type = 'adler32' ## consider only adler32 for now
if rcode:
logger.error('FAILED to execute command=%s: %s', cmd, output)
if "--cksum" in output:
coption = "--cksum %s:print" % checksum_type
elif "-adler" in output and checksum_type == 'adler32':
coption = "-adler"
elif "-md5" in output and checksum_type == 'md5':
coption = "-md5"
if coption:
logger.info("Use %s option to get the checksum for %s command", coption, copy_command)
return coption
def _stagefile(coption, source, destination, filesize, is_stagein, setup=None, **kwargs):
Stage the file (stagein or stageout)
:return: destination file details (checksum, checksum_type) in case of success, throw exception in case of failure
:raise: PilotException in case of controlled error
filesize_cmd, checksum_cmd, checksum_type = None, None, None
cmd = '%s -np -f %s %s %s' % (copy_command, coption, source, destination)
if setup:
cmd = "source %s; %s" % (setup, cmd)
#timeout = get_timeout(filesize)
#logger.info("Executing command: %s, timeout=%s" % (cmd, timeout))
rcode, stdout, stderr = execute(cmd, **kwargs)
logger.info('rcode=%d, stdout=%s, stderr=%s', rcode, stdout, stderr)
if rcode: ## error occurred
error = resolve_common_transfer_errors(stdout + stderr, is_stagein=is_stagein)
#rcode = error.get('rcode') ## TO BE IMPLEMENTED
#if not is_stagein and rcode == PilotErrors.ERR_CHKSUMNOTSUP: ## stage-out, on fly checksum verification is not supported .. ignore
# logger.info('stage-out: ignore ERR_CHKSUMNOTSUP error .. will explicitly verify uploaded file')
# return None, None
raise PilotException(error.get('error'), code=error.get('rcode'), state=error.get('state'))
# extract filesize and checksum values from output
if coption != "":
filesize_cmd, checksum_cmd, checksum_type = get_file_info_from_output(stdout + stderr)
## verify transfer by returned checksum or call remote checksum calculation
## to be moved at the base level
is_verified = True ## TO BE IMPLEMENTED LATER
if not is_verified:
rcode = ErrorCodes.GETADMISMATCH if is_stagein else ErrorCodes.PUTADMISMATCH
raise PilotException("Copy command failed", code=rcode, state='AD_MISMATCH')
return filesize_cmd, checksum_cmd, checksum_type
# @timeout(seconds=10800)
def copy_in(files, **kwargs):
Download given files using xrdcp command.
:param files: list of `FileSpec` objects
:raise: PilotException in case of controlled error
#allow_direct_access = kwargs.get('allow_direct_access') or False
setup = kwargs.pop('copytools', {}).get('xrdcp', {}).get('setup')
coption = _resolve_checksum_option(setup, **kwargs)
trace_report = kwargs.get('trace_report')
# note, env vars might be unknown inside middleware contrainers, if so get the value already in the trace report
localsite = os.environ.get('RUCIO_LOCAL_SITE_ID', trace_report.get_value('localSite'))
for fspec in files:
# update the trace report
localsite = localsite if localsite else fspec.ddmendpoint
trace_report.update(localSite=localsite, remoteSite=fspec.ddmendpoint, filesize=fspec.filesize)
trace_report.update(filename=fspec.lfn, guid=fspec.guid.replace('-', ''))
trace_report.update(scope=fspec.scope, dataset=fspec.dataset)
# continue loop for files that are to be accessed directly ## TOBE DEPRECATED (anisyonk)
#if fspec.is_directaccess(ensure_replica=False) and allow_direct_access and fspec.accessmode == 'direct':
# fspec.status_code = 0
# fspec.status = 'remote_io'
# trace_report.update(url=fspec.turl, clientState='FOUND_ROOT', stateReason='direct_access')
# trace_report.send()
# continue
dst = fspec.workdir or kwargs.get('workdir') or '.'
destination = os.path.join(dst, fspec.lfn)
filesize_cmd, checksum_cmd, checksum_type = _stagefile(coption, fspec.turl, destination, fspec.filesize,
is_stagein=True, setup=setup, **kwargs)
fspec.status_code = 0
fspec.status = 'transferred'
except PilotException as error:
fspec.status = 'failed'
fspec.status_code = error.get_error_code()
diagnostics = error.get_detail()
trace_report.update(clientState=state, stateReason=diagnostics, timeEnd=time())
raise PilotException(diagnostics, code=fspec.status_code, state=state)
# compare checksums
fspec.checksum[checksum_type] = checksum_cmd # remote checksum
state, diagnostics = verify_catalog_checksum(fspec, destination)
if diagnostics != "":
trace_report.update(clientState=state or 'STAGEIN_ATTEMPT_FAILED', stateReason=diagnostics,
raise PilotException(diagnostics, code=fspec.status_code, state=state)
trace_report.update(clientState='DONE', stateReason='OK', timeEnd=time())
return files
# @timeout(seconds=10800)
def copy_out(files, **kwargs):
Upload given files using xrdcp command.
:param files: list of `FileSpec` objects
:raise: PilotException in case of controlled error
setup = kwargs.pop('copytools', {}).get('xrdcp', {}).get('setup')
coption = _resolve_checksum_option(setup, **kwargs)
trace_report = kwargs.get('trace_report')
for fspec in files:
trace_report.update(scope=fspec.scope, dataset=fspec.dataset, url=fspec.surl, filesize=fspec.filesize)
trace_report.update(catStart=time(), filename=fspec.lfn, guid=fspec.guid.replace('-', ''))
filesize_cmd, checksum_cmd, checksum_type = _stagefile(coption, fspec.surl, fspec.turl, fspec.filesize,
is_stagein=False, setup=setup, **kwargs)
fspec.status_code = 0
fspec.status = 'transferred'
trace_report.update(clientState='DONE', stateReason='OK', timeEnd=time())
except PilotException as error:
fspec.status = 'failed'
fspec.status_code = error.get_error_code()
diagnostics = error.get_detail()
trace_report.update(clientState=state, stateReason=diagnostics, timeEnd=time())
raise PilotException(diagnostics, code=fspec.status_code, state=state)
# compare checksums
fspec.checksum[checksum_type] = checksum_cmd # remote checksum
state, diagnostics = verify_catalog_checksum(fspec, fspec.surl)
if diagnostics != "":
trace_report.update(clientState=state or 'STAGEIN_ATTEMPT_FAILED', stateReason=diagnostics,
raise PilotException(diagnostics, code=fspec.status_code, state=state)
return files
def get_file_info_from_output(output):
Extract file size, checksum value from xrdcp --chksum command output
:return: (filesize [int/None], checksum, checksum_type) or (None, None, None) in case of failure
if not output:
return None, None, None
if not ("xrootd" in output or "XRootD" in output or "adler32" in output):
logger.warning("WARNING: Failed to extract checksum: Unexpected output: %s", output)
return None, None, None
pattern = r"(?P<type>md5|adler32):\ (?P<checksum>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)\ \S+\ (?P<filesize>[0-9]+)" # Python 3 (added r)
filesize, checksum, checksum_type = None, None, None
m = re.search(pattern, output)
if m:
checksum_type = m.group('type')
checksum = m.group('checksum')
checksum = checksum.zfill(8) # make it 8 chars length (adler32 xrdcp fix)
filesize = m.group('filesize')
if filesize:
filesize = int(filesize)
except ValueError as error:
logger.warning('failed to convert filesize to int: %s', error)
filesize = None
logger.warning("WARNING: Checksum/file size info not found in output: failed to match pattern=%s in output=%s", pattern, output)
return filesize, checksum, checksum_type